Pumpkins aflame (challenging with good animation and spooky tunes thanks)!:D
Pumpkins aflame (challenging with good animation and spooky tunes thanks)!:D
Cheers man
Challenging concept turned vivid and real (great idea, great art, nice tunes too ty):D
Thank you very much. I'll pass on your compliments to the musician too. Glad you enjoyed it!
Come in man or demon! Dammit. Good demon dog says good game man!:D
Good, challenging game. But unfortunately the crow follows its own path sometimes (to ugh), once the mouse button is released.
Great, ghoulish, challenging game with a flipping head toss (jack o' lanterns snickers and agrees). Green mist a zombie delight? Can't wait for the next flazm:D
Whatta uplifting spookalicious game. Great platform ideas, including necessary defences. Possibly adding more A.I. enemies might've made it scarier and tenser. Much enjoyed! Thanks!:D
Now the piano is my master.... er.... Great, fun game. Thanks for creating the insane.:)
WN hangover < Crazy dragonflies seeking killer mosquitoes (who will win?!). Me a 2D and 3D animator, with an occasional game up his booty (I'm hoping to sometimes entertain)!
Bzzing and zzzing
Joined on 2/19/13