Whattan Arnie dew (speaks for itself, i tink). Funny crazy thanks!!D
Whattan Arnie dew (speaks for itself, i tink). Funny crazy thanks!!D
Sandwich in yer face (ice cream sandwiches too?). Epic loonies and hilarious ta boot (great characters too (animation awesome (drippy icce-creeeam!) yaah)!
Yaah the plankton (nuclear office workers) outta sight thanks!:D
You're art skills are amazing Tom. Congrats! Easy, funny idea with a groovy character munching (nice background music too). Maybe a little long, but good all around!:D
Jelly belly diaherra an epic odessy; with a pet jelly too! Awesome toon, characters, and sounds man. Good luck!:D
Hahah, what a description, :D
Thank you very much sir!
Hot dogs (creep good toon and music too)!:D
Big congrats in a well themed comedy of errors (awesome animation, idea, flow, and tune gal; would love to see another Nightshade toon). Keep perspiring!:D
Ketchup anyone (awesome claymation alive man)?!:D
Fart clinic A++ (assholes too lol):D
WN hangover < Crazy dragonflies seeking killer mosquitoes (who will win?!). Me a 2D and 3D animator, with an occasional game up his booty (I'm hoping to sometimes entertain)!
Bzzing and zzzing
Joined on 2/19/13